Selasa, 28 Januari 2014
2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee
The 2014 model year marks the Jeep Grand Cherokee's most substantial update since this generation's debut for 2011. It boasts a new transmission, exterior and interior tweaks, an optional diesel engine and a new trim level. The SRT performance model also receives some welcome upgrades.
Jumat, 24 Januari 2014
Nissan Evalia Dengan Face Lift Baru Resmi Dipasarkan PT Nissan Motor Indonesia
Nissan Evalia Dengan Face Lift Baru Resmi Dipasarkan PT Nissan Motor Indonesia. New Nissan Evalia pada tahun 2014 ini mengalami beberapa pembaruan terutama pada bagian interior atau kabin mobil. MPV besutan Nissan ini masih didukung mesin berbahan bakar bensin tipe HR15DE Dual Injector yang memiliki kapasitas 1.5 liter DOHC Dual CVTC (Continuous Variable Valve Timing Control). Mesin ini mampu menyemburkan tenaga hingga 109 ps pada putaran mesin 5.600 rpm dan tenaga torsi hingga 143 Nm pada putaran mesin 4.000 rpm.
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Nissan Evalia. Majalah Otomotif Online | Nissan Evalia Dengan Face Lift Baru Resmi Dipasarkan PT Nissan Motor Indonesia. |
Nissan Evalia. |
PT Nissan Motor Indonesia (NMI) pada Kamis 23 Januari 2014 lalu mengumumkan diluncurkannya Evalia 'face lift' baru, sekaligus memperkenalkan kehadiran varian baru Evalia Highway Star yang merupakan varian teratas. MPV Nissan yang diklaim paling unggul dalam hal kelapangan kabin dan ruang kargo itu mengalami sejumlah penyempurnaan yang difokuskan pada bagian interiornya. Sementara eksteriornya hanya mengalami ubahan warna kelabu pada gril depan sementara gril bagian bawah bemper sewarna bodi.
Tampilan interior Evalia kian menawan dengan warna two-tone kombinasi beige dan hitam yang memberikan kesan mewah, sementara dasbor sebelah kiri dilengkapi dua glove box berpenutup sehigga nampak lebih rapi. Fitur baru lain yang ditanam di bagian interior di antaranya adalah armrest tengah dan samping pada bangku baris kedua yang menambah kenyamanan serta cincin pada tali pengunci reclining jok baris kdua untuk lebih mudah dioperasikan. Interior juga semakin lebih rapi dengan hadirnya penutup plastik di kaki jok depan dan jok baris kedua. Ketebalan busa jok juga ditambah sehingga lebih nyaman untuk duduk berlama-lama di atasnya.
Vice President Director National Sales and Maketing NMI, Yoshiya Horigome mengatakan, "Nissan adalah brand yang selalu menghadirkan rangkaian produk MPV kompetitif dengan kualitas terbaik yang menjawab kebutuhan pelanggan di Indonesia."
Penyempurnaan dan penambahan varian pada Nissan Evalia merupakan jawaban terhadap keinginan konsumen di Indonesia yang membutuhkan sebuah MPV keluarga yang lebih nyaman dan lebih berkesan mewah.
Nissan Evalia baru masih didukung oleh mesin bensin HR15DE Dual Injector berkapasitas 1.5 liter DOHC Dual CVTC (Continuous Variable Valve Timing Control) yang mampu menghasilkan output 109 ps pada 5.600 rpm dengan kekuatan puntir 143 Nm pada 4.000 rpm.
www.metrotvnews.comKamis, 23 Januari 2014
Lamborghini Urus Bakal Dirilis Tahun 2017
Lamborghini Urus Bakal Dirilis Tahun 2017. Lamborghini Urus adalah mobil SUV yang pertama kali diperkenalkan pada ajang Beijing Motor Show 2013. Mulai tahun 2014 ini mobil Sport Utility Vehicle tersebut sudah masuk tahap produksi dan dijadwalkab akan dipasarkan pada tahun 2017.
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Lamborghini Urus. Majalah Otomotif Online | Lamborghini Urus Bakal Dirilis Tahun 2017. |
Lamborghini Urus. |
Ini Lamborghini Urus SUV baru hanya sebuah konsep untuk saat ini, dan seperti yang diharapkan, namanya berasal dari dunia bulls : urus - juga dikenal sebagai Auroch - adalah nenek moyang ludicrously bahu sapi hari ini. Tapi ini adalah "Lamborghini untuk penggunaan sehari-hari, untuk keluarga," kami diberitahu. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan sebagai sopir harian, memancarkan sosok CO2 lebih rendah dari saingan, memiliki ruang untuk empat orang dewasa, untuk bagasi dan - kejutan ! - Untuk belanja. Untungnya, Lamborghini telah marah utilitas ini dengan target output daya 600bhp dan empat - wheel-drive permanen dengan kontrol traksi. Terbaik tali up telur-telur, lalu. Lihat more pics dari Lamborghini Urus. Lamborghini Urus juga menjanjikan konstruksi ringan di dalam dan luar, dan akan "jauh lebih ringan" dibandingkan pesaingnya, tubuh akan menampilkan ketinggian spoiler depan adjustable yang memungkinkan hambatan clearance, tetapi juga stabilitas pada kecepatan tinggi ketika diturunkan. Ada spoiler adjustable lain di belakang untuk aerodinamis bantuan yang lebih baik dan penanganan, dan Anda hanya perlu melihat X6 dan orang-orang itu sejenisnya untuk mengetahui prestasi luar biasa dari menikung yang mungkin dalam sebuah SUV. Oh, dan berbicara tentang X6, urus duduk 4955mm panjang, 1996mm lebar 1660mm dan tinggi, dibandingkan 4877mm/1983mm/1690mm yang Beemer itu. Ini adalah ketat empat - seater dalam, dengan obsesi Lamborghini terkenal dengan serat karbon ringan mewujudkan dirinya melalui ember kursi CF fleksibel dan terowongan CF pusat hanya sebagian dibalut kulit. Ada sentuh di dashboard tengah dan untuk penumpang belakang, sementara pengemudi mendapat layar TFT diprogram secara bebas di belakang kemudi funky. Harga diperkirakan akan duduk antara Gallardo dan Aventador, jadi sekitar £ 150K dan Anda akan ada. Dan berada di bawah ilusi tentang bagaimana ia akan menjual : untuk referensi, Cayenne telah dibunyikan cash register Porsche begitu komprehensif, perusahaan mampu untuk membuat 911 baru sangat mungkin mobil sport paling lengkap dijual hari ini. Jadi ya, urus mungkin akan menjual banyak. Lamborghini telah mengidentifikasi Amerika Serikat, Timur Tengah, Rusia, China, Jerman dan kami Brits sebagai pembeli utama, dengan 3.000 diharapkan yang dijual setiap tahun. Kata Stephan Winkelmann, CEO Lamborghini : "SUV membuat salah satu segmen pasar yang paling sukses di seluruh dunia, dan Urus adalah interpretasi yang paling ekstrim dari ide SUV:. Itu adalah Lamborghini SUV"
SUV buatan Lamborghini sepertinya memang sedang banyak diburu oleh para pecinta otomotif dunia. Setelah diperkenalkan beberapa tahun lalu di Beijing Motor Show, kehadiran Lamborghini Urus ini seolah semakin samar-samar. Tapi, para pecinta otomotif patutlah bersabar sedikit lagi untuk dapat mencicipi SUV tangguh ini. Pihak Lambo yang diwakili oleh CEO Stephan Winkelman kepada Gtspirit, Kamis (23/1/2014), mengkonfirmasi bahwa pihaknya sedang mempersiapkan produksi masal SUV andalan mereka tersebut. Terhitung mulai dari tahun 2014 ini, Lambo sedang mulai menggarapnya dan akan dirilis di pasaran sekitar tahun 2017.
Mengingat konsep yang dipamerkan mereka selama ini, ada kemungkinan besar, versi produksinya pun takkan jauh beda. Rupa familiar yang dihadirkan selama ini sepertinya pun sudah begitu memukai publik otomotif.
Dalam debutnya nanti, para pengamat memprediksi bakal ada perlawanan sengit dari para automaker lain. Salah satu diantaranya adalah Bentley yang juga sedang mempersiapkan Suv termalah dan paling luxury bercorak green-lighted hasil kerjasamanya dengan Volkswagen.
Rabu, 22 Januari 2014
Toyota Alphard 3.5 V, Harga Bakal Mendekati Rp 2 Miliar
Toyota Alphard 3.5 V, Harga Bakal Mendekati Rp 2 Miliar. Harga 1 unit MPV Toyota Alphard 3.5 V untuk saat ini adalah Rp 1,1 miliar. Namun harga tersebut akan direvisi oleh Toyota Indonesia dan diperkirakan bakal mendekati Rp 2 miliar. Revisi harga tersebut dilakukan karena pemerintah telah memberlakukan kenaikan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Barang Mewah (PPnBM) yang sebelumnya 75 persen dan kini menjadi 125 persen. Pajak ini dikenakan bagi mobil bermesin 3.000 cc ke atas.
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Toyota Alphard 3.5 V. Majalah Otomotif Online | Toyota Alphard 3.5 V, Harga Bakal Mendekati Rp 2 Miliar. |
Toyota Alphard 3.5 V. |
Toyota Indonesia akan merevisi harga Alphard 3.5 V menyusul kebijakan Pemerintah menaikan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Barang Mewah (PPnBM) dari 75 persen menjadi 125 persen untuk mobil bermesin 3.000 cc ke atas. "Kami sedang hitung, mungkin awal Februari sudah bisa diumumkan," jelas Widyawati, General Manager Corporate Planning and Public Relation, Toyota Astra Motor, di Jakarta, hari ini (22/1/2014).
Saat ini, Toyota Alphard 3.5V dijual Rp 1,1 miliar. Bila ditambah dengan PPnBM dperkirankan hampir Rp 2 miliar. Kendati konsumennya orang berduit, penjualan dipastikan terpengaruh. "Kami harus memahami kepekaan konsumen di segmen ini," lanjut Widyawati.
Ditambahkan, Alphard bermesin 3,5 liter sebenarnya terjual belasan unit per bulan. Paling banyak diminati adalah varian bermesin 2,4 liter, yaitu 2.4X dijual Rp 745 juta atau 2.4G Rp 890 juta.
Selain Alphard, model lain bermesin besar yang dipasarkan Toyota di Indonesia - 4,5 liter - adalah Land Cruiser LC 200.
Selasa, 21 Januari 2014
Jeep Ski Area
Everyone knows that the most capable vehicle in the ski area parking lot is a Jeep Wrangler, so naturally lots of skiers' choose to own a Jeep. Having a bit of fun with this association, Jeep has created a new print ad shown above that links skiing and Jeeping.
Senin, 20 Januari 2014
Gorilla Wheel Locks
Okay, I admit - it's hard to get excited about lug nuts. But if you've never given yours a second thought, I'm here to suggest that maybe you ought to.
Besides a lift kit, what's the most expensive thing you put on your Jeep? For most people, it's the wheels and tires! They can easily cost well over $1,500, and if you're simply reusing the original lug nuts, those wheels and tires can be stolen in under 10 minutes.
Most wheel lock kits come with a single locking lug nut. You can buy wheel lock lug nuts direct from Mopar, or the typical Jeep lug nut kit includes 4 wheel locks, one for each wheel. These are easily defeated with a wheel lock removal tool, however, and don't include a lock for your spare wheel.
Gorilla Automotive makes a full wheel lock kit listed for Jeeps that includes locking lug nuts for all 5 lugs, but the problem is that it only includes 20 lug nuts; it leaves your spare tire as vulnerable to theft as ever. The trick is to order a set for 6-lug wheels instead of for 5-lug wheels: this gives you 24 locking lug nuts so you have 3 left over for use on your spare wheel, with one extra for if you ever lose or strip the threads on one. Single wheel lock lug nuts deter casual thieves, but a complete set of locking lug nuts installed on every single lug substantially increases the time and effort required to steal your wheels & tires, so only the most determined thief would even consider targeting your Jeep.
Gorilla Automotive part number 71684N pictured above is what I ordered, and I found yet again that had the best price. It includes five 1/2-inch locking lug nuts for each wheel, plus three more for the spare tire, one extra lug nut, and the wheel lock key (special socket). Not pictured (because I don't need anyone stealing my wheels & tires) is a sticker with the lock's part number so you can order a replacement if you ever lose the lock. The sticker should be placed inside the glovebox or under the hood, and the wheel lock key should be kept with the Jeep at all times for when you need to install your spare tire.
The new lug nuts are the same "acorn" style as the originals, but they are slightly longer and stick out a tiny bit more than the originals. The original Jeep lug nuts use a 19mm socket while the new wheel lock key is 13/16" or 21mm. This means that your Jeep's tire iron will not fit your new wheel lock key. You should already have a 13/16" or 21mm socket in your tool kit that you carry in your Jeep at all times (right???) but if you don't then it's a good idea to get a Gorilla Telescoping Lug Wrench Set that includes two sockets with all four of the popular lug nut sizes - you never know when you'll need to help a fellow 4wheeler on the trail or a damsel in distress on the side of the road, so having this powerful and compact lug wrench stored with your jack in the back of your Jeep is wise.
Review and Installation of EternaBond Roof and Leak Repair Tape

EternaBond Tape has been around for years. It's the only micro sealant tape touted to stop any leak or water proof any roof surface. UV resistant, the tape comes in four colors--tan, gray, black, and white--and can be purchased in various lengths and widths, including two, four, and six inches. For my RV's roof, I opted for the four-inch wide tape which provided me with just the right amount of coverage for all flanges and seams. If you're interested in buying this tape on look for EternaBond RSW-4-50 White Roof Seal. At $60 a roll the tape is expensive, but it lasts a long time after it's installed. How long, you ask? The company's website says it will hold up on your roof anywhere between 18-36 years. That's pretty impressive and makes the cost for purchasing the tape well worth it, especially when you consider how often lap sealant needs to be replaced in extreme climates.
Installing the tape takes only a few minutes, but first you must ensure the surface where you're applying the tape is entirely clean or the tape won't properly adhere. Don't skip this critical step or your time and effort will be wasted. The company offers a reasonably priced spray cleaner called EternaClean that can safely be used on EPDM and TPO rubber roofs though regular, non-petroleum based cleaners work well, too. To apply the tape, you'll need a roof cleaner, a few rags, a sharp pair of scissors, and a small roller. Some folks like to use box cutters to cut the tape, but I don't recommend it. Common sense applies here. A drop or accidental slip of the cutter and you've sliced open your rubber roof. It's best to be safe than sorry and use traditional scissors instead. Just make sure that they're sharp. Because of the multiple layers, EternaBond tape is thick and can be difficult to cut.
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The leaking vent before applying the EternaBond Tape. |
As you might expect, EternaBond Tape is very sticky. Indeed, the tape is so sticky that you only have one chance to put it down. It's best to cut the tape to length, then remove the release liner as you apply it. Be careful with this stuff. The first time I used it I ended up wasting a couple feet after the tape bunched up on me. Lesson learned. If you're using this tape to seal old seams or vents, don't bother removing the old sealant. This stuff is meant to cover it (silicone is the one exception, EternaBond won't stick to it so it will need to be removed). After the tape is applied, use the roller and your fingers to seal the tape to the surface, paying particular attention to any nooks or crannies. The directions that came with my tape recommended that the front areas where the tape is applied be sealed with Dicor. This isn't mandatory, but it is a good idea to ensure high speed winds and rain don't take hold of the front edge and peel it back.
Sealing the tape is best done using a small roller. |
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The finished job. Looks great and the leaks are gone! |
Besides vents and other openings on your roof, what else can the tape be used for? Well, you can use it to seal cuts or tears in your TPO or EPDM roof and reseal the main seams of your roof to prevent leaks. In emergencies, it can also be used to seal leaking drain pipes and cracked rooftop fixtures like air conditioning shrouds and vent covers. It's that sticky and works that well. In fact, this tape works so well that I keep a small roll of it in my RV repair kit for emergencies. Because the tape bonds so well, the question is often asked how to remove old tape or tape that was improperly applied. According to the company's website, all you need is a heat gun or hair dryer to create enough heat to peel off the old tape.
When it comes to the maintenance of your RV, water leaks are, without a doubt, the greatest threat. Left unchecked, leaks will rot the interior of your RV and cause black mold. This is why it's important to conduct periodic inspections topside, paying particular attention to the condition of the roof membrane and to the condition of any sealants used on vents, skylights, and other fixtures. If you find anything amiss, I recommend that you give this tape a try. Sure, it's spendy, but we're talking about your RV here. If you're like me you've invested a healthy sum in your RV so you should do all you can to protect it. I learned long ago that you get what you pay for. No other product works as well or lasts as long as EternaBond Leak and Roof Repair Tape.
Kamis, 16 Januari 2014
Harga Honda Mobilio Ditawarkan Mulai Rp.159 Juta
Harga Honda Mobilio Ditawarkan Mulai Rp.159 Juta. Honda Mobilio yang merupakan mobil Low Multi Purpose Vehicle (LMPV) pertama yang ditawarkan oleh PT. Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) telah dirilis harganya sesuai tipe yang ditawarkan. Untuk tipe E M/T dijual dengan harga mulai Rp159,5 juta, tipe E CVT ditawarkan dengan harga Rp189,5 juta.
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Honda Mobilio. Majalah Otomotif Online | Harga Honda Mobilio Ditawarkan Mulai Rp.159 Juta. |
Honda Mobilio. |
PT. Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) merilis harga resmi varian Low Multi Purpose Vehicle (LMPV) pertamanya, Honda Mobilio.
Varian terendah yakni Mobilio tipe E M/T dijual mulai dari harga Rp159.500.000 sedangkan varian teringgi yakni Mobilio Prestige dijual Rp198 juta. "Dengan dimulainya produksi, kami juga bisa mengumumkan harga untuk Honda Mobilio," kata Marketing and After Sales Service Director PT HPM, Jonfis Fandy di Karawang, Rabu (15/1/2013).
Untuk harga Tipe E M/T, mobil ini dijual dengan harga Rp179 juta sedangkan Tipe E CVT dijual dengan harga Rp189,5 juta.
Pengiriman mobil menurut Jonfis akan mulai dilakukan pada 25 Januari dengan ditandai 160 handover Mobilio. "Selanjutnya akan kami lakukan pengiriman secara bertahap," katanya.
Mobil ini dilengkapi dengan mesin 1.5 L i-Vtec yang mampu mengeluarkan tenaga 118Ps dengan torsi 14,8 kg.m.
Contest Drawing Update
Hello, everyone! On January 4th I announced my first giveaway drawing, a SolaDyne Solar Lantern. When I first thought of this giveaway, I thought the response would be overwhelming, but it's been anything but. To date, only 19 members have enrolled. I'm not sure why the numbers are so low, but it is what it is. Maybe folks think that the odds of winning are low, but they really aren't. They're actually pretty good. I know that blog giveaways are often difficult, most folks simply don't want to bother, but I thought this one would be different with the cool gift and all. I guess not.
For this contest to continue, I really need to get at least 50 members to enroll. That leaves us with 31 before the drawing date of February 4th, so please get the word out to family and friends. Reaching that target makes for pretty good odds for winning, 50-1. Much better than the lottery. That's for sure. Thanks, Mike.
For this contest to continue, I really need to get at least 50 members to enroll. That leaves us with 31 before the drawing date of February 4th, so please get the word out to family and friends. Reaching that target makes for pretty good odds for winning, 50-1. Much better than the lottery. That's for sure. Thanks, Mike.
Minggu, 12 Januari 2014
Product Reivew: Rugged Ridge XHD Hood Catches
Rugged Ridge's black aluminum XHD Hood Catches |
There's no such thing as a perfect vehicle. The Jeep Wrangler JK is about as close as you'll ever find, but even it has its shortcomings. For instance, its suspension is too low. It doesn't come from the factory with 35-inch-tall tires. And its rubber hood catches allow the hood to flutter in a strong headwind.
Most serious Jeep owners install a suspension lift kit and bigger tires, but not enough of them upgrade their hood latches. When new, the original rubber hood latches work fine, but as the rubber dries out and they lose their elasticity with age, they can allow hood flutter when traveling at a high rate of speed. Even at normal highway speeds, a strong headwind or an oncoming truck can blast enough wind through the Jeep's radiator to pressurize the underhood engine compartment and force the hood to lift.
The original plastic and rubber hood catches |
It may be disconcerting to watch the hood bounce up and down with every big gust of headwind, but the hood isn't going to fly open all of a sudden; not only would both rubber hood catches need to break, but the central metal hood latch would also have to fail. But even so, I wanted to upgrade my Jeep's hood catches to solve this annoyance.
There are a few aftermarket upgrades available for the JK, TJ, and earlier Jeeps. The most popular is the Daystar Hood Wranglers. These are a pair of polyurethane replacement straps for the original rubber straps. They don't stretch as much as the rubber ones do, and the polyurethane is reported to better withstand weather and ultraviolet breakdown over the years. They're very easy to install and at only $25 a set, it would be silly to replace your worn out old rubber ones with a set of fresh rubber ones from your local Jeep dealership.
Daystar Hood Wranglers |
The downside to Daystar's Hood Wranglers is that they still utilize the OEM plastic latch, mount, and buckle pieces. Since plastic breaks down and becomes brittle in the sun, and also succumbs to general fatigue, I wanted to find a better option. After lots of research, I chose the Rugged Ridge XHD Hood Catches which dwarf the OEM hood catches, are proven to be a huge upgrade in strength and durability, and are surprisingly affordable.
Every part of these extra-heavy-duty hood catches is metal. Rather than simply utilizing a flexible material for the strap, these hood catches have a fully adjustable turnbuckle with jam nuts to allow simple adjustment and prevent them from coming loose. The billet aluminum hardware is powdercoated black, but they are also available in silver, which not only doesn't match anything on the Jeep but are also more expensive.
OEM Jeep hood catches next to Rugged Ridge's XHD upgrade |
Everything you need is included in the box:
Clear instructions and quality packaging |
Installation is very easy - remove the original hood catches and install the XHD Hood Catches in their place:
Re-use the rubber hood bumper on the new base bracket |
Easily accessible nuts for the hood latch |
After loosening the jam nuts, rotating the buckle to adjust its length and tension, and retightening the jam nuts, the new Rugged Ridge XHD Hood Catches secure the hood down with a solid, reassuring clunk. There is no way the billet aluminum and stainless steel hardware will stretch or crack like the original rubber and plastic parts do, and hood flutter is a thing of the past. The oversize and attractively-styled XHD Hood Catches give the Jeep a subtle yet powerful visual upgrade that won't look weathered and worn out after a few years in the sun.
Rugged Ridge has a lot of dealers so you shouldn't have any trouble sourcing this kit, but pricing varies considerably. The kit retails for $130.99 but the best price I found is on where you can also read numerous glowing reviews from other Jeep owners. I paid around $78.00 and I consider it money well spent.
Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014
Jeep Wrangler on Fifth Gear
Fifth Gear is a British motoring show along the lines of Top Gear. It does not have the U.S. distribution that Top Gear does through BBC America, or its own American version corresponding with Top Gear America, but you can still access all the shows on Final Gear.
In the following segment, they compare a new Jeep Wrangler JK to the original Willys Jeep:
Jeep Wrangler on Top Gear Korea
Top Gear is an international phenomenon - a car show so good, it appeals even to non-car enthusiasts. Most car guys are familiar with the original British Top Gear, Top Gear America, and Top Gear Australia due to the series' availability on Final Gear. There isn't much of an audience in English-speaking countries for Top Gear Korea, but that doesn't mean their episodes aren't worth watching.
Behold Top Gear Korea's segment on the Jeep Wrangler JK:
While the host is obviously an inexperienced offroad driver, it's still an entertaining video with a Korean take on the successful British formula for automotive entertainment.
The Story of "Stomper" The Rescue Rubicon
A silver lining has emerged from the black cloud of the devastating tornado that destroyed Moore, Oklahoma on May 20, 2013. The story of Bryan Hutton and his 2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon "Stomper" begins with them leaving their home on Ohio to visit family in Oklahoma.
They got caught in the tornado's path. Their Jeep was locked in the garage while the family hid in their storm cellar. Once they emerged after the tornado passed, they found nothing left of their neighborhood. The Jeep was buried in what was left of the house.
Hutton started checking other homes for survivors and soon realized that the Jeep could be very useful in rescuing people from the rubble - if it could start up and drive. He dug through the rubble and was able to get the driver’s door open just enough that he could reach in and push the clutch pedal in with his hand and then turn on the ignition. The Rubicon fired right up. He reached in and jerked the shifter into reverse. The Rubi begin to dig and claw its way backwards out of the debris and out of the garage. Once it cleared the debris he was able to get it stopped in the driveway.
He cleared the wood and other debris out of the Jeep and drove up and down the neighborhood on three flat tires, offering help in any way he could. He used the Jeep's Warn VR8000 winch numerous times to uncover people trapped under debris. He transported injured people to medical personnel. He delivered food, water, clothing, and other supplies to people.
The hero Jeep, although a total loss as far as insurance is concerned, is not heading to the recyclers. Inspired by Bryan's efforts and the never-say-die attitude of his Jeep, numerous Jeep aftermarket companies are contributing to its rebuild, including ARB, Reid Racing, Warn, TeraFlex, Rock Krawler, MetalCloak, Rock-Slide Engineering, Rugged Ridge, DiabloSport, Asfir4x4, TrekArmor, GR8TOPS, Genesis Offroad, RCV Performance, Factor 55, TrailReady, Burnsville Offroad, Race Car Dynamics, and others. The rebuild is being performed by Crocker Off Road Performance in Phoenix, AZ.
You can follow the story and connect with everyone involved on the Jeep's Facebook page. Several news outlets are also covering this story, including Jalopnik, Truck Trend, Highline Autos, and C4x4 Magazine.
Here's a great video from RightThisMinute.
The 4x4 Podcast discussed the whole story of Stomper.
Stomper even inspired a Jeep commercial:
Jumat, 10 Januari 2014
Brand Stewardship in Action
If you've been tracking the success of A&E's Duck Dynasty show - you've seen it has had a rapid rise in popularity. The recent snafu with Phil Robertson and his short-term "suspension" has only propelled the show into new dialogues of the social sphere. In the end, A&E was swayed by a viewer boycott and rapid loss of viewership after indefinitely benching the elder Robertson. It just so happens Duck Dynasty is A&E's top-rated show after carelessly shooting themselves in the foot they quickly patched things up and "un-suspended" the conservatively minded patriarch.
It turns out the dedicated followers of the Duck Dynasty show are socially savvy. They put their collective power to use and quickly quelled any notions of canning the lucrative show - as it could not have gone on without the elder Robertson. In the end the nearly 12 million viewers got what they wanted and were "happy, happy, happy."
Swing your semi-auto gaze to another field filled with passionate duck lovers. In our world of high-tech tracking and gadgets that follow our every move - even ducks and geese are not immune to the eagle eyes of hunters, biologists and wildlife refuge officers. has slick Waterfowl Migration tracker - sponsored by Ducks Unlimited and Remington that gives reports on the status and movement of the quacking sort.
Looking up a report in my neck of the woods near Toledo, Ohio shows a report by Gerry Mazur, Avery Pro Staff. His report gives a glimpse to the trials and tribulations of being a duck and goose in the wild when temps are sub-zero.
Hunting: Has been too dangerous to be out.
Species/Numbers: Ducks and geese are working the rivers for open water and near salt piles to stay alive.
Weather: Starting a slow thaw from the dangerous could the last 4 days. wind chills were in the -40 below category and some spots close to a foot of snow.
Let me first say - this is why I prefer a coat with down vs. synthetic. No other material in the world has the insulating properties of down. Human skin is rather lacking. A bit better with beards like the Robertson's, but still lacking. The National Weather Service reports that exposed skin can get frostbite in as little as 10 minutes with wind chill reaching -40 to -60 degrees Fahrenheit. Yikes.
Equally impressive is the fact that Gerry Mazur was out and about checking on the status of ducks and geese in this frigid weather. This kind of dedication is commendable. A real die-hard for ducks.
So what is this "Avery Pro-Staff" designation alongside Gerry's name? Turns out it is a special program for outdoor-minded individuals (aka hunters) that use Avery Outdoors equipment and want to become more than a consumer, but a team member (brand steward). They have very strict criteria for their staff and expect a certain level of dedication to the cause. An application process is posted on their message board, where they stress, "being part of this special team is hard work and will require a commitment of time and energy that many cannot make." They stress being a team player and the seriousness of the calling. has a Pro-Staff page that includes biographies of each Staff Member on their site and it appears to be a big part of their marketing program. This empowerment of the masses to be brand stewards and promote the good of duck hunting as well as their own brand is noteworthy.
My hope, as a writer and brand steward of the Jeep brand, is that as Gerry is trekking through the tundra tracking ducks along the migratory waterways of Michigan and Ohio -- he would be doing it in a Jeep 4x4. I applaud Avery Outdoors for their nurturing of brand stewards that actively monitor their pro-staff flyways and represent their brand. Well-done and happy spotting!
It turns out the dedicated followers of the Duck Dynasty show are socially savvy. They put their collective power to use and quickly quelled any notions of canning the lucrative show - as it could not have gone on without the elder Robertson. In the end the nearly 12 million viewers got what they wanted and were "happy, happy, happy."
Swing your semi-auto gaze to another field filled with passionate duck lovers. In our world of high-tech tracking and gadgets that follow our every move - even ducks and geese are not immune to the eagle eyes of hunters, biologists and wildlife refuge officers. has slick Waterfowl Migration tracker - sponsored by Ducks Unlimited and Remington that gives reports on the status and movement of the quacking sort.
Looking up a report in my neck of the woods near Toledo, Ohio shows a report by Gerry Mazur, Avery Pro Staff. His report gives a glimpse to the trials and tribulations of being a duck and goose in the wild when temps are sub-zero.
Hunting: Has been too dangerous to be out.
Species/Numbers: Ducks and geese are working the rivers for open water and near salt piles to stay alive.
Weather: Starting a slow thaw from the dangerous could the last 4 days. wind chills were in the -40 below category and some spots close to a foot of snow.
Let me first say - this is why I prefer a coat with down vs. synthetic. No other material in the world has the insulating properties of down. Human skin is rather lacking. A bit better with beards like the Robertson's, but still lacking. The National Weather Service reports that exposed skin can get frostbite in as little as 10 minutes with wind chill reaching -40 to -60 degrees Fahrenheit. Yikes.
Equally impressive is the fact that Gerry Mazur was out and about checking on the status of ducks and geese in this frigid weather. This kind of dedication is commendable. A real die-hard for ducks.
So what is this "Avery Pro-Staff" designation alongside Gerry's name? Turns out it is a special program for outdoor-minded individuals (aka hunters) that use Avery Outdoors equipment and want to become more than a consumer, but a team member (brand steward). They have very strict criteria for their staff and expect a certain level of dedication to the cause. An application process is posted on their message board, where they stress, "being part of this special team is hard work and will require a commitment of time and energy that many cannot make." They stress being a team player and the seriousness of the calling. has a Pro-Staff page that includes biographies of each Staff Member on their site and it appears to be a big part of their marketing program. This empowerment of the masses to be brand stewards and promote the good of duck hunting as well as their own brand is noteworthy.
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Proud duck dog from North Texas. |
Avery Outdoors,
Brand Steward,
Duck Dynasty,
Ducks Unlimited,
Pro Staff,
Social Media,
BMW S 1000 R, Perpaduan Roadster Dan Super Sport Bike Yang Berkarakter
BMW S 1000 R, Perpaduan Roadster Dan Super Sport Bike Yang Berkarakter. Sepeda motor sport BMW S 1000 R bisa disebut sebagai adik dari model sebelumnya, BMW S 1000 RR. Motor ini ditenagai mesin berkapasitas 999 cc yang menggunakan 4 silinder. Namun mesin tersebut dikurangi tenaganya sehingga putaran mesin hanya mampu mencapai putaran maksimum pada 11.000 RPM.
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BMW S 1000 R. Majalah Otomotif Online | BMW S 1000 R, Perpaduan Roadster Dan Super Sport Bike Yang Berkarakter. |
BMW S 1000 R. |
Sebuah roadster, dikurangi menjadi hal penting : kinerja maksimum 160 bhp (118 kW), 112 Nm torsi dan rasio power-to - berat 1,29 kilogram per bhp - dan kompetisi menghilang di cermin belakang. Seperti superbike pendahulunya, BMW S 1000 R menetapkan patokan di segmennya. Daya linear : mesin. The- kinerja tinggi 4 - silinder in-line mesin berasal dari RR tapi sekarang telah dioptimalkan lebih lanjut. Hasilnya : pengiriman torsi yang sangat linear untuk propulsi maju konstan di seluruh rentang putaran mesin. Mesin BMW S 1000 R menghadirkan senyum di wajah pengendara di setiap twist throttle. Siap untuk serangan : desain. Gen dari S 1000 R yang mencolok pada pandangan pertama, juga: desain tail-up/nose-down agresif, wajah perpecahan khas dan insang karakteristik. Dan "R" menunjukkan jauh lebih sedikit dari kulit otot yang tajam. Beberapa orang menyebutnya telanjang - kita sebut saja terfokus pada hal-hal penting. Serbaguna : mode riding. BMW S 1000 R dapat mengekang dan melepaskan dengan menekan tombol sebagai standar. The " Rain " mode memberikan respon throttle lembut, dengan ABS dan ASC disesuaikan dengan permukaan jalan basah. Sementara " Jalan " mengoptimalkan respon throttle, ABS dan ASC untuk aspal kering. The Pro mode yang tersedia sebagai tambahan opsional bagi mereka mengejar kisaran ambang : "Dynamic" dan "Dynamic Pro" mendapatkan "R" menjadi bentuk untuk batas. Kendali : Ras ABS dan ASC sebagai standar. Menjaga daya di bawah kontrol. Itulah mengapa BMW S 1000 R dilengkapi dengan ABS dan ASC Ras ( kontrol stabilitas otomatis ) sebagai standar. Duo ini memastikan percepatan dan perlambatan tokoh baik di tingkat ambang batas. Mereka dapat diaktifkan dan dinonaktifkan selama perjalanan, membuat terganggu riding menyenangkan. Tidak ada kompromi : pilihan individualisasi. Dua paket yang tersedia untuk BMW S 1000 R, yang masing-masing kelompok bijaksana berbagai pilihan : The " Sport " paket sudah termasuk mode Pro ( Rain, Jalan + Dinamis, Dinamis Pro ), Dynamic Traction Control, Gear shift Asisten dan Cruise Control. Ada juga akan menjadi berbagai suku cadang HP untuk BMW S 1000 R yang ditujukan untuk pengendara ambisius. BMW S 1000 R model Sport juga ditawarkan, yang menampilkan berbagai pilihan tambahan sebagai standar.
BMW S 1000 RR sudah dikenal sebagai motor sport dengan performa yang dahsyat. BMW kini merilis adik S 1000 RR yang tidak kalah garangnya. Pabrikan BMW Motorrad memanfaatkan pameran sepeda motor terbesar di dunia, EICMA 2013 untuk merilis jagoan terbarunya ini.Baby S 1000 RR itu dinamai BMW S 1000 R, awas salah baca, bedanya hanya dari jumlah R-nya saja. Motor ini merupakan gabungan dari Roadster dengan super sport bike yang begitu emosional dan berkarakter. Karena merupakan turunan dari S 1000 RR maka, BMW Motorrad mengaplikasikan naked bike terbarunya ini dengan teknik yang inovatif. Jika dilihat sekilas mirip dengan sang kakak, tapi ada banyak perbedaan terutama dari segi dimensi.
Dengan mesin yang tersedia, motor ini mampu melontarkan tenaga 160 hp dan berat 207 kg. Dibandingkan dengan superbike S 1000 RR tenaganya memang lebih rendah 33 hp. Untuk menurunkan tenaga itu, BMW melakukan penyeteman pada mesin 999 cc 4 silinder, dengan merendahkan redline dari 13.000 RPM menjadi 11.000 RPM di situlah power maksimum tercipta.
BMW S 1000 R ini juga dilengkapi dengan sistem pengereman Race-ABS, ASC (Automatic Stability Control) dan 2 mode mengemudi 'Rain' dan 'Road' untuk berbagai tipe jalanan.
Kawasaki KLX 150 L Melaju Tanpa Pesaing Di Pasar Sepeda Motor Indonesia
Kawasaki KLX 150 L Melaju Tanpa Pesaing Di Pasar Sepeda Motor Indonesia. Kawasaki KLX 150 L adalah sepeda motor trail (offroad) yang dihadirkan oleh PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia. Sepeda motor ini mengusung mesin berkapasitas 150 cc dengan model satu silinder SOHC. Mesin ini menggunakan karburator Keihin NCV24 yang tentu saja belum masuk dalam jajaran motor injeksi. Meskipun dirancang sebagai sepeda motor offroad, namun model KLX 150 justru banyak dijumpai melaju di jalanan perkotaan di Indonesia.
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Kawasaki KLX 150 L. Majalah Otomotif Online | Kawasaki KLX 150 L Melaju Tanpa Pesaing Di Pasar Sepeda Motor Indonesia. |
Kawasaki KLX 150 L. |
PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia beberapa minggu menjelang pergantian tahun menghadirkan trail KLX 150 L. Dengan segenap perubahan termasuk ukuran tinggi dan panjang serta perbaikan standar emisi, pembaharu dari model KLX 150 S yang hadir 'menutup' tahun 2013 ini justru menjadi 'pembuka' jalan yang lebih lapang lagi, bagi Kawasaki, di ranah offroad.
Harga Rp 25.200.000 atau selisih Rp 2 juta dari model sebelumnya tidak pelak membuat KLX 150 L melaju dengan sangat leluasa di lapangnya ranah pasar sepeda motor offroad atau yang juga kerap disebut 'dirt bike' ini. Sulit rasanya jika menyandingkan motor trail 150 cc dengan harga Rp 20 jutaan, dari produsen besar, yang pun bisa digunakan di jalan raya.
Nama-nama produsen di segmen sejenis seperti KTM atau Husqvarna sama sekali tidak bisa disandingkan, baik karena perbedaan harga yang terlampau jauh atau mahal (KTM) atau saudara seatapnya yang sekadar motor hobi (Husqvarna) karena secara emisi tidak bisa memiliki STNK. Tidak juga dengan Loncin dari Cina atau nama Korea seperti Monstrac, juga Hyoshung yang pernah menyuguhkan tipe RX125 tetapi kini beralih konsentrasi ke motor sport.
Tidak semena-mena
KLX 150 L sendiri dikembangkan selama dua tahun sesuai kebutuhan terkininya. Ukuran KLX 150 L diubah mengikuti kelaziman postur tubuh pemakai rata-rata di Indonesia yang memang juga sudah berubah. Panjangnya menjadi 2.080 mm atau 'memuai' dari ukuran lama 1.980 mm. Ia juga dibuat lebih tinggi dengan jarak jok ke tanah menjadi 875 mm, sementara yang lama 830 mm. Secara total, tinggi KLX baru ini 1.145 mm (sebelumnya 1.090 mm) juga didukung oleh diameter roda yang lebih besar. Pelek depannya berukuran 21 x 1.60 dan dibalut dengan ban 2.75-21 45P, sedangkan pelek belakang 18 x 1.85 dengan ban ukuran 4.10-18 59P.
Mudah ditemui di jalan perkotaan, KLX 150 kerap menjadi 'kuda pekerja' para komuter yang secara ironis masih saja harus menemui jalan berlobang, bergelombang nan serba menggoyang sekalipun di pusat kota.
Kawasaki Indonesia juga mengambil garis besar fungsinya dengan tetap memakaikan karburator (Keihin NCV24) pada mesin berkapasitas 150 cc dengan model satu silinder SOHC itu. Alasannya, motor ini juga dipakai dalam sejumlah kompetisi oleh offroader daerah sehingga lebih "ramah" ketika dioprek, yang pun dipakai harian, masih bisa mengadopsi bensin premium. Tentu ini berbeda jika memakai mesin injeksi yang mengharuskan penggunaan bensin beroktan tinggi. Penggunaan karburator pun tak lain untuk memaklumi ketidak-tersediaan bensin RON tinggi di pelosok Indonesia.
KLX yang melaju bebas tanpa pesaing tidak lantas membuat Kawasaki Indonesia semena-mena, baik dalam hal spesifikasi, seperti juga soal harga yang cenderung ramah di kantong. Ketersedian suku cadang dan servis di banyak bengkel resmi juga menjadi satu poin lainnya mengingat cakupan Kawasaki yang lebar di Indonesia.
Kamis, 09 Januari 2014
Torklift Tie Down Installation Report for my 2013 Ram 3500

Next to their superb Fastgun turnbuckles, Torklift's Tie Down system might just be the crown jewel of the company's extensive product lineup. The tie down receivers bolt to the undercarriage of the truck's frame using existing bolts, holes and attachment points. No welding or additional drilling is necessary. In my opinion, no other system works better in keeping your truck camper secured to your truck than Torklift's Tie Down system.
The tie down installation for my Ram 3500 wasn't too difficult, though a call into Torklift was required to answer a few questions. All said and done, it took me about three hours to install all four receivers, which wasn't too bad. For the record, I installed Torklift kit D2123 for the front tie downs and D3109 for the rears. These are the kit numbers specified in Torklift's installation guide for a 2013 Ram 3500, short-bed model with cab length nerf bars and with the factory hitch. Total cost though was about $450.
Like any job, having the right tools will make the job go much quicker and easier. For the front receivers you'll need a standard 3/4" wrench and a socket wrench with a 3/4" head attached to an 10" extension. Believe me when I say that the wrench extension makes tightening the bolts to the front tie down receiver and hook brackets much easier. You'll need the same tools for the rear receivers though the 10" extension for the socket wrench won't be necessary. You'll also need a 15/16" socket head to remove and reinstall the factory bolts for the rear tie downs. Lastly, a torque wrench is needed to tighten all nuts to the required 40 ft pounds.
Taken as a whole, the front receivers were far more difficult to install than the rear ones. Part of the difficulty lies in the tight confines where the front receivers are located. Elbow room is lacking. The receivers are mounted over the front leaf spring perch mount. The tie down receiver has a large hole which is placed over the large bolt shown in the picture below. Two hook brackets are used to install the top of the receiver while the mid-section is secured using a metal clamp strap. Due to the height and difficult angle, you may have some difficulty lining up the hook brackets with the holes at the top of the receiver. Keep at it if you're having trouble moving the hook brackets from side to side. They will move, you just have to get them at the right angle.
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The front receivers are mounted here on the perch mount. |
The clamp strap was much easier to install and was easy to reach. The strap, which has a dog-leg shape, was installed just above and behind the large bolt shown in the picture above. Unfortunately, I found that one side of the strap doesn't sit perfectly flush due to the radiused edge on one side of the perch mount opening (see the small opening to the right of the large bolt in the photo above). Torklift confirmed that this isn't a problem as long as the nut is tightened to specs. If you look at the picture below you'll notice the slight off-angle of one of the installed bolts. Again, not a big problem as long as it's tightened down to 40 ft pounds. Each receiver took a little over an hour to install.
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View facing forward of installed front receiver. |
Torklift's instructions state that you should hand tighten the nuts first before tightening everything up to 40 ft pounds. It's important that you do this to allow a little play in the receiver to get the alignment of the receiver just right. Though the directions don't specifically say, I recommend tightening the clamp strap nuts first before moving on to the two hook strap nuts at the top of the receiver. Alignment of the clamp strap is crucial as there isn't much wiggle room to allow sufficient clearance of the bolts. Even after getting the alignment right, however, I still found that the front receiver tubes were tilted forward just a bit. Torklift confirmed that this isn't a problem and is quite normal for this particular installation. Based on their answer, it appears I wasn't the only one to mention this to them.
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View of installed driver side front receiver. |
Compared to the front, the rear receivers were extremely easy to install. Everything was easy to reach and get to and the instructions were clear and well-written on what needed to be done. You'll use two existing factory bolts as well as a supplied two-inch long bolt for each rear receiver. No issues were encountered installing these though I needed a hollow bar (the tie down inserts also work well for this) over the socket wrench handle to get sufficient leverage to loosen the factory bolts. Each receiver took only about 20 minutes to install.
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The bottom two factory bolts are used for the rear receivers. |
Installing the driver's side rear receiver. |
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Camper mounted with new Torklift Tie Downs. |
Overall, this was a fun and a fairly trouble-free installation. One person can easily perform this installation though at times another person is useful to help heft and hold the receivers into place and to help tighten the nuts. Out of curiosity, I called several hitch shops here in the Phoenix/Mesa area to see what they would charge to install these and the quotes I received varied between $150 and $300 dollars. If you have the inclination and know-how, I recommend you do the installation yourself. If you don't, then you'll probably pay a hefty price for what I consider to be a fairly easy installation. Kudos to Torklift for designing a well-made product that works as advertised and is relatively easy to install.
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