Sabtu, 30 November 2013

2014 Porsche 918 Spyder Price Reviews

2014 Porsche 918 Spyder price reviews - There are three most popular supercars in the year 2014, there are 918 spyder , ferrari laferrari, and mclaren p1 that hitting the streets so badly. All three are made around "carbon tubs", and augment their traditional super-car power-trains along with hybrid power. Among those three, only 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder price that come in a cheaper price, at $845,000, however that’s not the primary reason for you to get more chance of obtaining one. As from this moment, Porsche’s prepared 918-unit production run is 3 times bigger than its competitors, and so far there was only half that already sold in the market.
2014 Porsche 918 Spyder Price
The 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder is made on CFRP (carbon-fiber reinforced plastics) which provides excellent stability with light-weight construction for this car. This "CFRP" also gives lots of safety for the people inside this car. On the exterior, you see enough Porsche’s trademark characteristics. It outstanding sloped nose, plus a sleek roof-line that tapers entirely down to the rear end. Talking about the roof-line, a two piece Targa top graces this car top, providing you with the chance to drive in the open air. This 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder price is so special because this is where Porsche strayed from its typical styling Up-front, you will see shapelier headlights than you cant obtain on the rest of its lineup. The front fenders are likewise less bulging as compared to the other types in its line.

2014 Porsche 918 Spyder Price Engine Specifications
  • Top Speed  > 211 mph / 93 mph
  • Engine  > 4.6-Liter V-8 
  • Fuel Economy > 85 mpg
  • Total HP > 887 Horsepower
  • Total Torque > 940 Pound-Feet
The idea of this car interior is to gives its driver great driving experience. Inside you will get standalone gauges and also an ultra-modern center console that seems like some thing out from a futuristic movie. The other is Standalone gauges which split directly into 2 basic areas: one keeping the controls which are essential for driving and arranged around the multifunction steering wheel and also the infotainment block that's located inside the lifted center console. Inside they are offering a silver and black color mixture along with green contrasting piping around the door panels for this car interior. The 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder price will include a soft-touch interior, leaving behind all that unattractive hard plastic to lower quality vehicles. Also bundled with a sport seats that wrapped in leather and also multifunction sports steering wheel. That’s essentially all the things you expect from a Porsche car. 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder price.
2014 Porsche 918 Spyder use 4.6 Liter V8 engine that could produce 770-hp with a 0 to 62 mph time of 3.2 seconds and a top speed of more than 200 mph to match its price. This engine was located behind the seats. Now, we realize that anyone looking to purchase this car is seeking for pure performance as well as fuel economy and also emissions tend to be an afterthought. To make things clear, the 918 Spyder could boasts a fantastic estimated fuel economy rating of 3. 3L per 100 km (85 mpg) rating and also an equally unbelievable 79 g/km CO2 emission rating. 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder price!

Komponen Titanium Memungkinan Suhu Mesin Jadi Lebih Stabil

Pasti pernah melihat knalpot motor drag luar negeri yang dibalut bahan macam kain. Nama pembalut itu exhaust wrap. Agar panas mesin stabil dan tidak langsung dibuang ke udara. Karena untuk mendapatkan power mesin yang maksimal, perlu temperatur kerja optimal.

Motor yang menggunakan knalpot titanium tidak perlu exhaust wrap agar kerjanya maksimal. Karena titanium memiliki konduktivitas termal yang rendah. Konduktivitas termal adalah kemampuan mengantarkan panas. Makin rendah akan sulit membuang panas.

Konduktifitas thermal titanium 21.9 W.m-¹.K-¹. Sedangkan besi 80.4 W. m-¹.K-¹. Kecepatan membuang panas titanium hanya 1/3 dari besi atau stainless steel. “Makanya suhu mesin cenderung stabil,” jelas Jerry yang juga membuat baut titanium untuk keperluan balap.  


Jumat, 29 November 2013

Mazda2 modifkasi aliran street racing

Tak mudah merombak penampilan Mazda2 yang bernuansa elegan, menjadi sedikit esktrem dengan sentuhan modifkasi aliran street racing. Tantangan tersebut dijawab Virama lewat kreasi yang dikerjakan bersama dengan Bengkel Ckley, asal Bali, di Mazda2 keluaran 2011.

Untuk mengubah karakter, beberapa lekukan body yang membulat (rounded) dirombak menjadi lebih tajam dan kaku. Alhasil beberapa panel body dipensiunkan dan diganti menggunakan serat karbon bernuansa balap, sesuai dengan tema yang diusung. Komponen yang diganti antara lain, bemper dan fender depan belakang, kap mesin serta tailgate. Tak ketinggalan penambahan beberapa aerokit seperti spoiler depan, belakang, side skirt dan juga spoiler atas.

Setelah merombak tampilan menjadi lebih sporty dan cenderung ekstrem, Virama menyiram body dengan cat custom. Warna yang dipakai pun tergolong jarang, green blue mint, yang ditambahi efek cyralic. Hasilnya bisa menampilkan efek ubahan warna jika terkena sorotan cahaya. Tak cukup sampai di situ, sentuhan grafis berupa airbrush juga disertaan di permukaan body samping, kap dan atap.
Kesan balap yang terpancar dari tampilan luar diikuti pula dengan modifikasi kabin. Beberapa permukaan dilapis serat karbon seperti panel meter, tengah dasbor, konsol dan juga trim. Komponen balap juga ikut melekat seperti jok, panel meter tambahan, setir, pedal dan juga sabuk keselamatan.
Meski bergaya balap, agar tetap "gaul" sektor entertainment ikut diupgrade. Mulai dari penggantian head unit merek Sony hingga penambahan speaker yang memenuhi bagasi. Kurang puas, TV Samsung 32 inci pun disematkan di ruang bagasi, yang pengoperasiannya menggunakan sistem motorized.
Penambahan bobot yang cukup berat tak jadi halangan untuk tetap bisa kencang. Untuk itu Virama menyematkan rumah keong di balik kap. Turbo IHI berukuran kecil dipasang bersama dengan perangkat pendukung. Antara lain intercooler GReddy dan HKS blow off. Sementara pipa dibuat custom.
Pemindah tenaga tetap mempertahankan bawaan pabrik, transmisi otomatis 4 percepatan. Agar aman saat digeber, dipasang pendingin oli gearbox.

Kamis, 28 November 2013

Mazda 3 2014 Review Mexico

Mazda 3 2014 review Mexico - The Mazda 3 2014 review, The 2014 Mazda 3 is fully redesigned for the drivers convenience, and safety. From the inside, The 2014 Mazda 3 equipped with lots of new features such as, more powerful and fuel-efficient engines, new standard equipment, fresh styling, new electronics interface and available segment-first safety features, and it is also based on exactly the same lightweight chassis that support midsize Mazda 6 sedan and CX-5. this car also use the extraordinary wheelbase that is 2.4 inches longer than the current model. furthermore, its body looks little bit wider and lower, since its adopt Mazda's newest, more aggressive-looking grille design. it is like the company made plenty of changes inside this 2014 Mazda 3. instead of the sporty cabin that remains but look much more modern in terms of design, they also equipped it with touchscreen and electronics interface in it. as a result this car definitely isn't just a car for 20 or somethings anymore.

The design of this car looks very ergonomic and good quality. The front car seats have grown more comfortable with sporty bolstering and also the use of fine materials. In general, the upholstery, interior panels, and buttons have a remarkably expensive feel. The only peculiar touch in all of this is actually the brand-new touchscreen display. Even though it's bigger than prior units Mazda has put before. Even though there is still similar in terms of design with the CX -5 and Mazda6, but the difference is this Mazda 3 2014 review look much more attractive. at the top, we can see the high resolution touchscreen 7 inch and at the bottom we spot a new command called HMI that used to navigate through menus as seen in the popular vehicles just like BMW 1 Series and Mercedes-Benz A Class. The 2014 Mazda 3i use  2.0-liter four-cylinder engine that could generates 155 HP plus 150 pound-feet of torque. while the Mazda 3s models having 2.5-liter four-cylinder that could produce 184 hp and 185 lb-ft of torque, joined to a six-speed automatic transmission (the manual is not available).

Despite the fact that a diesel power plant alternative is just not likely, Mazda stated, the company’s high-compression 2-liter and also 2. 5-liter Skyactiv 4-cylinder gas engines are going to be choices for the newest Mazda 3. Jeremy Barnes, a spokesman for Mazda, mentioned that particular fuel economy numbers and horsepower is going to be accessible in a couple weeks, as would transmission choices, pricing and also an introduction of the completely new sedan model Mazda 3 2014 review. Mazda also stated the 1st new Mazda 3 versions will probably be built-in Japan. Afterwards, after the company starts a new plant it plans to open in Mexico within the spring of 2014, Mazda 3 production will probably be shifted there at this time. The 2014 Mazda 3 ought to be for sale in dealerships within September of this year.

Selasa, 26 November 2013

kontes modifikasi Honda Jazz Tuning Contest (HJTC)

Jakarta - PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) kembali menggelar kontes modifikasi Honda Jazz Tuning Contest (HJTC) untuk kesembilan kalinya, di Mall Gandaria City, Jakarta, Kamis (7/11/2013). Ajang tahunan ini kembali menarik perhatian penggemar modifikasi di tanah air. Tercatat ada 131 peserta yang mendaftar dan berasal dari beberapa daerah di luar Jawa, seperti Palembang, Jambi, dan Denpasar. Dari jumlah tersebut 26 di antaranya berhasil masuk menjadi finalis untuk kemudian menjalani penilaian dari dewan juri.

Gelaran kali ini memperebutkan 29 Kategori, termasuk penghargaan utama yaitu "The King of Jazz" yang kesembilan. Total hadiah bernilai ratusan juta rupiah, termasuk King yang diganjar hadiah uang tunai Rp 50 Juta rupiah.
“Honda Jazz identik dengan anak muda yang menjadi pendukung berbagai macam kegiatan mereka, termasuk modifikasi. Dari tahun ke tahun kami melihat inovasi dan kreativitas dari para peserta selalu meningkat. Kami bangga bahwa HJTC telah menjadi salah satu ajang modifikasi paling prestisius dan selalu ditunggu-tunggu oleh para tuners di Indonesia,” ujar Jonfis Fandy Direktur Pemasaran dan Layanan Purna Jual HPM, saat membuka acara HJTC.

Michel Adiputra (19) merupakan salah satu peserta yang berhasil lolos menjadi finalis. Michel bukan peserta baru di ajang ini, untuk tahun ketiganya dia mengusung tema Art Deco dan memainkan variasi warna di body mobilnya, dia berharap setidaknya mampu menyabet juara di kategori Best Elegant Body Kit dan Best Innovation.
"Kalo kemarin saya mengusung tema elegan dan sporty, kali ini saya mencoba sesuatu yang baru, seperti permainan stiker warna-warni di luar, dan elegan di dalamnya. Persiapan sekitar dua minggu karena ini merupakan pengembangan dari modifikasi yang sebelumnya, kata Michel. Untuk membangun mobilnya seperti sekarang, Michel mengaku mengeluarkan kocek berkisar 30-40 Juta rupiah.
Lain halnya dengan Ravianto (24) yang baru tahun ini mengikuti ajang HJTC. Kali ini konsep yang dipamerkan adalah sporty dengan permainan grafis ala Iron Man. Diakui kocek yang dikeluarkan berkisar Rp 300 juta, termasuk ubahan untuk audio dan variasi karbon.
"Total biaya mencapai Rp 300 jutaan, karena memang perubahan paling banyak berada di audio dan variasi karbon seperti di jendela belakang. Total waktu sekitar 1 tahun ya membangun mobil ini, kata Ravianto."
Ajang yang akan berakhir pada 10 November ini diharapkan akan menjadi media kreativitas dan konsistensi para penggemar modifikasi khususnya modifikasi Honda Jazz.


Senin, 25 November 2013

Buick Grand National 2014 2015 and GNX

Buick Grand National 2014 2015 and GNX - This buick grand national 2014 2015 and GNX are definetely the cars worth waiting for year 2014. Lots of people remember that in 1984 when they were introduce the glorious Buick GNX which makes that company become more respected. Then, they continued with the new model 2013 buick regal and 2013 buick verano which having the good sales in that year. and now, after resting for sometime Buick is coming back with its new model "2015 Buick Grand national and GNX". The Buick Grand National 2015 will most likely appear as a sedan version, in contrast to the prior models which are only presented as coupe vehicles. we all hope that, the design from the outside will be entirely different compared to its predecessor. Despite the fact that there are still no official reports relating to this upcoming model, we only can assume that it will get new attractive look. Talking about the interior, the Buick Grand National 2014 2015 will likely be equipped with superior technology units and first-rate fabrics, the new technology would includes the new satellite radio and infotainment system. In the addition, you will see lots of useful safety features in this car.

This both models Buick grand national 2014 2015 and GNX will be on the market late next year. we are hoping that this car would bring the new changes for the car of its type, as we all know that Buick is the type of company that known for developing the new technologies. Cause, Not very ago, this company has succeed to create sequential electronic fuel injection and ceramic rotor turbochargers. However, there's still no 1st pictures coming from this ceramic models, so we actually have no idea what improvements they manage to get. On the other hand, one thing for sure, Buick grand national 2014 are going to get a major redesign when it comes to exterior and interior. Because the 2015 Buick Grand National is definitely the high-class car, we realize how the performance, comfort, and style playing the big roles in car sales. Buick is also a company that known for its rich history, if you didn't know, Buick created its 1st vehicle back in the year 1903. Therefore, this company has learned what is good to offer to its customers, and we're also expect that this 2015 Buick Grand National and GNX will arrive with intense superior performance and modern design. Buick grand national 2014.

Buick Grand National 2014 2015 and GNX specs

This buick grand national 2014 2015 will be optimized with a few engines taken from the ATS models, and will be equipped with some option such as, turbocharged 4 cylinder engine on a 2.0L which provides 272 horse power and torque of 352Nm and the next one is the V6 engine 3.6L that could produces a 320 horsepower and a torque of 371Nm. While the wicked GNX, available only in the black color, and it will be powered by a twin-turbo 3.6 liter V-6 that could produce 400 horsepower. Both Vehicle will have the power units either for rear or all-wheel drive. And, there will be both manual and automatic gearboxes for the transmission alternative.

Buick grand national 2014 2015 and GNX Release Date

Sales of the Grand National are anticipated to start in early 2015. In relation to its look, Buick haven't yet give a sneak peak for the physical appearance of the new 2015 Buick Grand National. Similarly, the interest grew to become a very hot issue among fans within the car industry. But another thing is sure of Buick Grand National will probably break the record during the past and definately will much more becoming spectacular and a hot item tomorrow, Buick grand national 2014.

Buick grand national 2014 2015 and GNX Price

For the Price itself it hasnt been announced yet by Buick. therefore we advise you to keep watch our blog to keep informed for the upcoming price, for Buick grand national 2014.

2014 Range Rover Evoque Price, Release Date

2014 Range Rover Evoque Price, release date - The all new Popular Land Rovers "Range Rover Evoque" is stepping into its 2014 model along with the addition of important updates, 2014 range rover evoque price  includes a world first 9 speed automatic transmission. Fortunately that pricing hasn’t increased with the variety of gears, because 2014 Range Rover Evoque remains to be priced from a very affordable price $41,995.You will get the 5 door model in entry-level 100 % pure trim. If you wish to have the Evoque Coupe, you will only need to spend no less than $45, 040, although this is available in Genuine Plus trim. While the best  "Evoque Coupe" in Dynamic trim will probably cost you $58, 195.

Please note, all 2014 range rover evoque price selling prices shown are inclusive of a $895 for 2014 range rover evoque price charge. A single engine is standard over the range: a turbocharged and also with the use of direct-injected 2.0 liter with 4 cylinder along with 240 hp on tap. Mentioned previously, this new 9 speed automatic is installed as standard throughout the range too. Along with a wider spread of ratios compared to 6 speeder it replaces, the newest transmission enhances for each efficiency and performance. We just sampled it plus discovered it for being the smoothest and very intuitive, 2014 range rover evoque price .

A brand new Active Driveline system along with active differentials and also torque vectoring for the 2014 Range Rover Evoque, and it is also built in as standard on all-wheel-drive types. The system decouples the rear axle in regular driving plus automatically engages them within just 300 milliseconds as soon as added traction is needed.Active Torque Biasing uses an electronically controlled differential to make it able to distribute torque between rear wheels, The stability and also optimizing traction. Furthermore, 2014 range rover evoque price has a Torque Vectoring function that has the capacity to redirect torque between all 4 wheels to support improve handling.

In addition there are also several driver-assist features. Included in this car such as Adaptive Cruise Control (with Intelligent Emergency Braking, Queue Assist, and Forward Alert), Park Exit (to instantly get out of parallel car parking bays), plus Closing Vehicle Sensing for 2014 range rover evoque price.

Minggu, 24 November 2013


Dilihat dari fisiknya, kampas rem belakang Mio punya pad atau area gesek yang lebih panjang dari milik MX.

“Logikanya, kalau area gesek lebih panjang pasti kerjanya menjadi lebih maksimal. Mungkin karena mesin skubek minim deselerasi, makanya area pengereman dibuat lebih mumpuni ketimbang bebek,” tambah mekanik beranak satu ini.

Untuk proses pemasangan sendiri sangat mudah dan tidak perlu ubahan. Karena bentuk dan posisi dudukannya sama. Bisa langsung plek!

Masalah harga, kampas rem belakang Mio memang dibanderol sedikit lebih mahal jika dibandingkan Jupiter MX. Satu set rem belakang Mio, dibanderol Rp 43 ribu. Sedangkan kampas rem milik besutan yang dibintangi pelawak Komeng itu dibanderol Rp 42 ribu.

Selisih Rp 1.000, gak apa-apa juga kali sob! Tambah seribu perak, tetapi kerja rem lebih maksimal.  

Sabtu, 23 November 2013

Honda Accord Hybrid 2014 Price & mpg

Honda accord hybrid 2014 price & mpg - For the year 2014, Honda is definitely presenting its latest Accord Hybrid, but this time its all based on its 9th generation model. Again, the hybrid power-train is merely offered within its body style, and all the system that uses in this car is completely new. as we all know that Honda has developed i-MMD (intelligent Multi Mode Drive) for its latest hybrid system car. the design itself was very clever, with this i-MMD we can drive this car solely in gasoline engine mode or just electric mode and the best part of this car is, it can be driven with the two system combined together in order to reduce the consume of gas as little as possible.

Honda State that its new Accord Hybrid can accomplish a city and highway on average of just 3.8 L/100km, which is very impressive, cause in our real world someone could manage to 5.0 L/100km driving with air conditioning and the radio on. next, the design of this Honda Accord Hybrid is still the same with any other Honda Accord Sedan, its all full of space for the family of five. the sad part is Honda has to sacrifice its trunk space due to the battery pack. but don't worry, it is still big enough to put some of you're things in there,Honda accord hybrid 2014 price.

Honda Accord Hybrid 2014 Price & mpg

Hybrid EX-L$31,90550/45/47
Hybrid Touring$34,90550/45/47
Honda accord hybrid 2014 price - From the interior there is only small difference with the regular accord and Accord Hybrid, which is in its instrumentation. we can see that in the Hybrid version it has some extra information in its dials, the functions of this dials is to show the driver which motor is powering the vehicle at any given time. Not only that, this dials also charting your battery information. from the exterrior, actually this Hybrid car uses, 17-inch aero-styled alloy wheels,blue-accented grille,blue-tinted headlights,a trunklid spoiler and a rear diffuser. and also the obligatory "hybrid" badges all around the Hybrid car.

Honda Accord Hybrid 2014 Price & mpg

As for the Honda Accord Hybrid 2014 price, Honda Accord Hybrid using the difference price for the different types. for the standard 2014 Honda Accord Hybrid cost $29,155, this Honda Accord Standard model comes with heated mirrors, a rearview camera to help parking,17in alloy wheels and a power driver’s seat that can be changed in 10 different directions, and also the standard LED daytime lights. Then, the next luxury Hybrid EX-L version will cost $31,905 this luxury Hybrid EX-L model also use extras just like leather seats and heated front seats. While the last Hybrid Touring model will cost $34,905. all this three models really have an extremely impressive fule efficiency, and this Accord could manage an average of 47mpg (45mpg on the highway and 50mpg in the city). Honda accord hybrid 2014 price.

2014 Jeep Wrangler Photos

The new 2014 Jeep Wranglers are now here, we have some great photos to show you the wide variety of Jeep Wrangler models, colors and option packages. People need to see the new models in all variety of colors and settings to get a good idea of what they are getting and to get ideas of how they may up-grade their jeeps with various modifications as lifts, wheels, tires and so on.

The 2014 Jeep Wrangler basic model line-up is Wrangler Sport, Wrangler Sport S, Sahara, Rubicon. The 2014 Jeep Wranglers now come standard with a powerful 3.6-liter V6 that makes 285 horsepower and 260 pound-feet of torque. Four-wheel drive is also standard on wranglers and includes high and low range transfer case gears and the Rubicon features an upgraded transfer case with extra low gearing. A six-speed manual transmission with hill start assist is standard and a five speed automatic with hill start assist and hill descent control is optional.

Here we have a 2014 White Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara Edition with automatic transmission, bluetooth and remote start. This vehicle is totally stock!

This is a 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 2 door 3.6L V6 automatic, the color is white. The new Sahara wheels look great in stock form, just add one size larger tires and you change the look from stock to mild aggressive look.

I know many of you were waiting to see what a new 2014 Jeep Wrangler would look like in bright Flame Red, well here it is in a Sahara Unlimited 4 door model. Nice and bright, looks great from all angles in all lighting conditions day or night. See this Jeep Wrangler from the other side below. Now that is a glass like flame red paint I love it!

Here is a another Jeep Wrangler Sport in flame red in a 2 door version. This ones a base model, basic wheels, soft top, manual transmission. Still good to go for tackling any environment from water to snow, sand or mud, go anywhere anytime.

This 2014 2 door Jeep Wrangler Rubicon has some nice aftermarket chrome wheels, chrome front and rear bumpers, side bars and wider tires added. This gives the jeep a nice filled out look more off-road look.

Here is a 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited for all you wrangler fans that must have it in the color black. Black is a color that just never looks wrong. If after market accessories are added can turn this jeep into a real classy looker, or a serious off-road looking beast!

If the best of the best is what you are after, then take a look at this 2014 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon in the color Grey. All Rubicon models come with more aggressive looking wheels and tires. Driving jeeps such as this bad boy off-road can be a blast!

Here we have another Jeep Wrangler Rubicon model, this time in the color Tan. This Rubicon in this lighting makes the tan color look a little yellowish to me, but it does look good.

Take a look at this silver 2014 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon all dressed up just looking for an adventure to tackle. This bad boy has lots of after market goodies added, like a lift, wheels, tires, bumpers, roof rack, rock guards, fenders, lighting and so on. This is a great example of what can be done to a new 2014 Jeep Wrangler.

This is a 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited in white sporting the Moab Package. With the Moab package the jeep comes fully loaded. It looks great in stock form, but being a person who loves the wider tire look on these wranglers, I think one size bigger tires would really do wonders for this jeep.

Here we have a nice close up of a 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited in silver. This jeep is all one body color, automatic transmission and fully loaded. This is a very nice example of one in the color silver, for all of you that love that color. I really love then wheels, would not change them unless absolutely necessary.

This is a 2014 Jeep Wrangler sport in the color grey with 6 speed manual transmission and a 3.6L V6 285 HP engine. I think I am liking the wrangler in the grey over the silver color, just my opinion. Take a look at the same wrangler sport from a good side view below. Very hard to tell the difference between a 2013 jeep wrangler and a 2014 model.

This 2014 Jeep Wrangler is in the color white, has base stock wheels with 5 speed automatic transmission. You can compare the grey wrangler above against this white wrangler to compare looks.

This 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sport is in the color burgundy along with some aftermarket wheels and tires. The roof is down and the doors are off just for show purposes. Now that jeep wrangler not only says it is trail rated, it actually now looks trail rated.

This 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited hard top is in the color blue.

I think this particular blue for the 2014 jeep wranglers is a love it or hate it color.

This 2014 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon is painted commando green. This Rubicon has had a lift put on as well as aftermarket black wheels with larger tires. Very nice looking rig.

This 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sport Unlimited is in the color Amp'd. This is a new color many have been waiting to see what it actually looks like in person on the street. I picture a wrangler in this color with a lift, bigger tires and black mags, it would look great in my opinion.

If you play the lottery here are a few articles you should read: Win the lottery buy a new Jeep Wrangler!

Lotto Guy Lottery System Formula Works

Lotto Lottery System Review The Truth

The Lotto Black Book Review - False Lottery Formula!

Jumat, 22 November 2013

video 2015 Nissan GT-R Nismo Exterior Interior

AEV Jeep Wrangler Wins the 2013 Australasian Rally

Back in September, Team Lerner Reina and their American Expedition Vehicles-built Jeep Wrangler JK 231R took on one of the toughest endurance motorsport races in the Asia-Pacific region, the Australasian Safari.  Similar to the Baja 1000 and the Dakar Rally, this is one of those races where it's an achievement to even cross the finish line.  Their awesome driving and navigational skills, along with a reliable and capable Jeep, meant an outstanding finish.  Here is a summary of their outstanding performance:

• 100% Safari Finisher - Their AEV Wrangler was the ONLY production vehicle to finish 100% of the Safari
• Fastest Safari Female - Amy Lerner
• Winner Production Class A1.2
• Winner Overall Safari Production - Their AEV Wrangler had the best performance of ANY production vehicle entered in the Safari
• Winner of the Dakar Challenge - This earned Team Lerner Reina an entry spot in the 2014 Dakar Rally

Tricia and Amy are both awesome competitors and fantastic role models.  The capability and durability of the Jeep Wrangler and the AEV suspension is exactly why I chose this combination for my own backcountry adventures.  Check out the video below for footage from the 2013 Australasian Safari.

Kamis, 21 November 2013

tampilan sangar Nissan GT-R Nismo

Nissan GT-R Nismo punya kans jadi bintang di Tokyo Motor Show, begitu pula dengan GT-R bertampang lebih segar. Peluncuran dilakukan di Yokohama, sebelum melakukan debut pada Tokyo Motor Show mulai Rabu (20/11/2013). Untuk pemasaran mulai 2 Desember di Jepang, diikuti negara lain di Januari sebagai model 2015, mobil sport ini menawarkan level baru kemewahan, namun tetap "bengis" dari sisi performa.

Identitas gres dilihat di beberapa bagian, paling kentara lampu depan yang menggunakan multi-LED intensitas tinggi dilengkapi AFS (Adaptive Front lightning System). Lampu belakang juga berbeda dari sisi desain bagian dalam. Nissan memperkenalkan satu warna baru, yakni Gold Flake Red Pearl.

Di dalam, warna ivory kini menjadi pilihan baru nuansa kabin, termasuk jok dan setir yang dibungkus kulit dengan jahitan spesial.

Mesin masih sama, V6 3.800cc dilengkapi turbo ganda, mampu menyemburkan tenaga hingga 545 PS!. Akselerasi 0-100 kpj diraih hanya dalam 2,9 detik.

Suspensi juga berubah, diklaim lebih stabil dengan peredam kejut semakin optimal. Rem juga termasuk komponen yang direvisi untuk meningkatkan performa. Ban standar memakai Dunlop SP Sport Maxx GT 600 DSST CTT, diklaim menjanjikan cengkeraman lebih pada aspal.

Selain GT-R facelift, Nissan juga mengenalkan tipe lain, GT-R Pure Edition, Black Edition, Premium Edition, dan tentu saja Nismo yang bakal menjadi GT-R paling badung.


Selasa, 19 November 2013

Please Help to Keep the Verde River Open

As you probably already know, I don't often take up causes here on this blog. I prefer to keep politics off this site so I can focus on the main purpose for this site. But every now and again I like to bring certain topics to light that impact recreational vehicle owners and those who use our public lands. This petition is one such cause. The US National Forest service wants to close down the only public area that has access to the Verde River. The Verde River is a very popular location in Arizona's Tonto National Forest and is used by both locals and tourists alike. If you have used this area or are planning to do so in the future or you're just a concerned citizen, please take a few minutes to read the preamble and sign the petition. Doing so will help voice your opinion on the matter and might make a difference to help keep our public lands open for public use. Thanks. Mello Mike.

Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Which States Require Truck Camper Registration?

With no running gear, the truck camper is unique among recreational vehicles. The truck camper is more compact, more maneuverable, more versatile, can be taken far off the beaten path, is cheaper to maintain, and in most states doesn't require annual registration and title fees. Certainly, these are all big benefits of truck camper ownership, but the latter is especially important as it can save you big bucks. Indeed, iI you've ever registered a motorhome or know someone who has, you know that that process can be a pain in the pocketbook and can cost well in excess of $1,000!

Why 15 states require truck campers to be registered isn't a big mystery. It comes down to one thing--money. Some cash-strapped states will look for any way to generate income. It's unfortunate. It makes sense to register motorhomes, fifth-wheels, and travel trailers because they have axles, wheels, and tires, but not the truck camper. It has none of those things. Heck, the truck camper doesn't even have a vehicle identification number (VIN) like the others. Because of this, the truck camper really should be considered cargo. Fortunately, 35 states agree with this line of thinking.

So which states require truck campers to be registered? Which states require a title? Rather than spending hours researching your state's motor vehicle department website you can look right here. You may need to do additional research on your state's laws, but at least you'll be able to see at a glance what your state does or doesn't require. If you see something here that is incorrect or if your state has made a change, please let me know so I can keep this listing up to date. Thanks.

I. List of States that Require Truck Camper Registration

On the White Rim Trail, Canyonlands, UT (Laurie Heimbigner)
  1. Idaho
  2. Illinois
  3. Indiana
  4. Iowa
  5. Kentucky
  6. Mississippi
  7. Missouri
  8. Montana
  9. North Carolina
  10. Oregon
  11. Rhode Island
  12. South Carolina
  13. Tennessee
  14. Utah
  15. Washington

II. List of States that Require Truck Camper Titles

A Lance 915 at Custer State Park, SD (Jim Caruthers)
  1. Idaho
  2. Illinois
  3. Indiana
  4. Kentucky
  5. Michigan
  6. Mississippi
  7. Montana
  8. Nevada
  9. North Carolina
  10. Ohio
  11. Oregon
  12. South Carolina
  13. Tennessee
  14. Washington

    Rabu, 13 November 2013

    Yamaha EVINO, Skuter Listrik Yang Bakal Diperkenalkan Di Tokyo Motor Show 2013

    Berita otomotif: Yamaha EVINO, Skuter Listrik Yang Bakal Diperkenalkan Di Tokyo Motor Show 2013. Yamaha EVINO menggunakan desain dasar dari skutik Yamaha Fino yang sudah banyak lalu-lalang di jalanan Indonesia. Skuter listrik ini memanfaatkan pengereman regeneratif untuk memperpanjang pengisian baterai. Tidak ada daya atau kisaran angka yang dirilis baik untuk prototipe, meskipun Yamaha mengatakan Yamaha EVINO dirancang untuk perjalanan jarak pendek.
    Yamaha EVINO (Foto 1). Majalah Otomotif Online
    Yamaha EVINO (Foto 1).
    Yamaha Siap Pamer Skutik Listrik EVINO di Tokyo

    Yamaha akan menghadirkan versi prototipe skuter listrik Yamaha EVINO dan sepeda motor trail listrik baru untuk pemuda di 22 November - 1 Desember 2013 pada ajang Tokyo Motor Show 2013. Baik Yamaha EVINO dan EKIDS prototipe yang didukung oleh motor DC brushless yang sama dan baterai lithium-ion. Baterai Removeable, memungkinkan untuk dikenakan biaya terpisah dari sisa kendaraan. Yamaha EVINO juga memanfaatkan pengereman regeneratif untuk memperpanjang pengisian baterai. Tidak ada daya atau kisaran angka yang dirilis baik untuk prototipe, meskipun Yamaha mengatakan Yamaha EVINO dirancang untuk perjalanan jarak pendek. Para EKIDS menggunakan versi termodulasi dari unit daya Yamaha EVINO sedangkan pengontrol elektronik diprogram untuk menawarkan kemudahan penggunaan, sehingga lebih mudah bagi anak untuk belajar untuk naik. Ambil Vino, tarik itu ICE drivetrain dan swap satu listrik. Kami berharap untuk melihat hal ini dalam produksi segera. Skuter seperti ini me-mount motor mereka pada swingarm untuk alasan kemasan, yang kompromi naik dan penanganan. Sebuah motor listrik ringan harus mengurangi berat badan unsprung, yang satu ini muncul seolah-olah itu mungkin konsentris dipasang pada roda.
    Gelaran Tokyo Motor Show (TMS) 2013 patut menjadi salah satu ajang yang ditunggu para pecinta otomotif dunia. Dalam TMS 2013, pabrikan asal Jepang, Yamaha juga sudah menyiapkan spesies baru untuk menghibur pengunjung.

    Yamaha akan memperkenalkan prototipe motor listrik terbarunya yaitu skuter EVINO. Motor ini didesain oleh Yamaha seperti skutik klasik Fino yang sudah lama beredar di Indonesia. Untuk menggerakkan motor ini, EVINO didukung dengan DC brushless motor dan lithium-ion battery.

    Skutik listrik EVINO juga memanfaatkan pengereman regeneratif untuk memperpanjang pengisian baterai. Tidak ada daya atau kisaran angka yang dirilis oleh Yamaha, meskipun Yamaha mengatakan EVINO dirancang untuk perjalanan jarak pendek.

    Yamaha EVINO (Foto 2). Majalah Otomotif Online
    Yamaha EVINO (Foto 2).
    Yamaha mengatakan EVINO merupakan model konsep skuter listrik. Kendaraan komuter yang nyaman dengan semua fungsi yang diperlukan untuk perjalanan jarak pendek. Namun tetap dalam kisaran harga yang terjangkau, agar lebih mudah dijangkau konsumen.

    Selain itu, EVINO juga memiliki kinerja yang ramah lingkungan dilengkapi dengan akselerasi halus dari motor. Dikontrol secara tepat dan keseimbangan berat depan serta belakang dioptimalkan untuk memastikan kinerja penanganan yang sangat baik bahkan pada kecepatan rendah.

    Selasa, 12 November 2013

    A Genre Writer

    Occasionally, when I meet people outside of conventions, AKA, in real life, and they find out I'm a writer, they ask what kind of stuff I write.  I always say, "I write science fiction."  That either interests them or I get a wave off, since they don't read that kind of stuff.  That's normally okay by me.  I'm not generally talking to them in order to sell books.  I'll ask about what they do -- what interests them.  That's the best way to meet people in my opinion.

    However, my latest book -- the one I'm currently writing, is just barely science fiction.  Am I still a science fiction author if I write a mystery/detective story?  Let me tell you a secret.  I've got a whole stash of stories that I write that will never see print.  It's not because they are bad, but because I write more than I'll ever have the chance to publish and market.  I have to pick and choose which of the stories will be able to find readers.  And a lot of these hidden stories are not science fiction.  They are mysteries and adventures and romances.  They are all lengths.  There are a few that are novel length, but most are novella and short story length.  The story dictates the length.

    Now, while I could slap some of these into a kindle book and sell them as 99-cent shorts, it's not something I've chosen to do.  For one thing, I'm trying to provide a known quality for people that have taken the gamble and read one of my books.  I want them to know what to expect from a Henry Melton book, at least in a general way.  That's the whole purpose of my book categories.

    If someone reads one of my Small Town, Big Ideas stories, then if they see another with that marketing label, then they'll know what they're getting.  It's the same with The Project Saga.  Different styles for different people.  Now, I like both.  Many people do, but setting expectations is part of the process of making people happy.

    So, about this new book...  Amarillo Texas is a small city, not a small Main-street town like some I've written about, but it's a adventure tale with a high school aged main character who has been dropped into extraordinary circumstances.  It's a Small Town, Big Ideas natural.  It doesn't hurt that I've pushed the boundaries of certain medical theories, so I can easily claim it as science fiction.  That's what comes naturally to me.  I see what's real now, and then keep on writing even if reality hasn't quite caught up to what I have in the story.

    But, if you look at the action and the plot, this story lives in the Mystery genre.  I wrote it that way deliberately, even if I'm not "Henry Melton, Mystery Writer".  I'm sure this kind of cross-genre business would get me in trouble if I were writing for a New York publisher.  Luckily, I'm writing for me.

    I have a great fondness for this one, and a lot of it comes from my memories.  I grew up in Amarillo.  The main character lives on my old street, in my old house.  I've had to change a few things, because the world has changed.  My old high school burned down, for one.  A new one was built with the same name, but the school districts changed.  You see the problems.

    It will be 2014 before it comes out.  I still have to fix all those persistent typos and grammar glitches and get my helpers to look over my shoulder to find the plot gaffes.  But you'll like it.  I'm sure.

    Now, if I could just find a good title.

    Ducati Monster 1200 Model 2014 Punya Mesin Baru

    Berita otomotif: Ducati Monster 1200 Model 2014 Punya Mesin Baru. Sepeda motor Ducati Monster 1200 model 2014 ditampilkan pada ajang EICMA 2013 yang diselenggarakan di kota Milan, Italia. Sepeda motor berjuluk monster versi terbaru ini mendapatkan banyak pembaruan. Diantaranya adalah pada mesin yang lebih yahud dan rangka bodi. Ducati Monster 1200 model 2014 punya penampilan yang lebih gagah.
    Ducati Monster 1200 Model 2014 (Foto 1). Majalah Otomotif Online
    Ducati Monster 1200 Model 2014 (Foto 1).
    Yamaha MT-07 untuk Akvitas Harian

    Ducati baru saja meluncurkan sepeda motor Ducati Monster 1200 Model 2014. Sepeda motor memiliki karakter agresif dan didorong oleh Testastretta 11°, L-Twin cylinder, 4 katup per silinder, Desmodromic, liquid cooled engine dengan perpindahan 1198.4cc. Mesin memberikan output maksimum 100,7 kW (135 hp) @ 8.750 rpm dan 118 Nm (87 lb-ft) dari torsi 7.250 rpm @. Unit ini diberi makan oleh liter tangki bahan bakar 17,5 dan dikawinkan dengan gearbox enam kecepatan dengan slipper clutch. Ducati Monster 1200 Model 2014 memiliki berat 209 kg dan tulang punggung diwakili oleh frame teralis yang langsung melekat pada mesin. Fitur lain meliputi rem Brembo, kopling hidrolik, perjalanan dengan kawat dan layar TFT. Anda juga mendapatkan kursi disesuaikan, Ducati Keselamatan Pack (DSP), lampu LED dan rendah dipasang plat nomor. Kinerja dan fluiditas Testastretta baru 11 ° DS mesin, fleksibilitas dari tiga Mode Kuda, kenyamanan kursi disesuaikan dan penumpang menangani membuat Rakasa 1200 sepeda yang mampu beradaptasi dengan setiap kesempatan, sehingga Anda dapat mengikuti naluri Anda dalam setiap situasi. The unmistakeable desain Rakasa benar-benar ikonik dan berarti tidak ada batasan untuk kesenangan Anda. Bentuk dan fungsi. Kinerja dan fluiditas dari Testastretta baru 11 ° DS, fleksibilitas dari tiga Mode Kuda, dan kenyamanan kursi dan disesuaikan ambil penumpang menangani membuat sepeda motor Ducati Monster 1200 Model 2014 untuk menemani Anda di setiap kesempatan, dan memanjakan naluri Anda setiap situasi. Dengan desain jelas dari ikon, Rakasa pernah membatasi kesenangan. Desain. Semua elemen yang menciptakan legenda Rakasa yang jelas sekilas: kuat " Rakasa - fly -line ", lampu bulat diapit oleh garpu, tangki bahan bakar logam padat dan patung, dan otentik " less is more " konsep gaya yang memberikan persepsi berada di depan sebuah mesin, sasis, tangki, pelana, dan tidak lebih. Meskipun peningkatan dimensi yang menawarkan kinerja belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dan fleksibilitas, karakter sportbike adalah segera jelas dalam proporsi yang Rakasa itu. Ekor tajam (dengan kontribusi yang menentukan pemegang plat rendah -mount), massa secara visual dimuat di bagian depan, dan daerah mesin kompak muncul bahkan dengan air baru pendinginan berkat oil cooler ahli terintegrasi, radiator, dan selang air, mesin digabungkan ke mengesankan sisi-mount terhuyung knalpot senapan yang membuat tidak ada rahasia sepeda kinerja. The Rakasa baru 1200 tampak berkomunikasi kecanggihan, modernitas dan substansi melalui solusi teknis canggih dan bahan-bahan premium : tradisional Ducati teralis bingkai berkembang menggunakan balap berasal solusi dengan motor sebagai elemen stres, TFT dashboard penuh dan lampu depan dan belakang menggarisbawahi orientasi motor terhadap masa depan, dan tangki bahan bakar logam patung dalam murni " Rakasa -style" bersama dengan komponen logam disikat lebih meningkatkan posisi premium. Belakang tampilan sepeda telah dirancang dengan mengingat kemungkinan untuk dengan mudah memperbaiki berdedikasi pannier samping, sehingga sistem pemasangan yang sempurna terintegrasi dengan gaya motor ketika pannier dihapus. Modus naik. The Rakasa baru menggabungkan sangat terbaru teknologi Ducati yang inovatif, termasuk yang terkenal bermerek Ducati Mode Kuda. Tiga Mode Kuda (URBAN, TOURING, SPORT) diaktifkan dengan menggabungkan teknologi kelas - terkemuka seperti : Ride- by-Wire (RBW), Ducati Traction Control (DTC), 9MP multi- kalibrasi ABS dan grafis pada panel instrumen. Pengendara dapat mengubah karakter sepeda dengan memilih dari switchgear kiri - bahkan saat mengendarai - antara tiga konfigurasi pre-set yang berbeda (Kuda Mode) yang paling beradaptasi dengan gaya berkuda atau naik kondisi. Modus Kuda memungkinkan untuk langsung mengubah daya yang dikirim oleh mesin (RBW), tingkat aktivasi DTC dan ABS, dan grafis pada panel instrumen. Modus Kuda adalah pabrik pra -set di setiap dari tiga parameter, namun dapat secara individual disesuaikan dan disimpan sesuai pengendara. Sebuah "default " pilihan tersedia untuk dengan mudah mengembalikan semua pengaturan ke pabrik pra - set. The Rakasa baru 1200 keluarga ini didukung oleh generasi kedua dari Testastretta 11 ° mesin DS, halus dan dengan busi ganda dan sistem udara sekunder. Ganda Spark (DS) pengapian menggunakan dua busi per silinder untuk memastikan pembakaran sempurna dalam waktu yang sangat singkat. Sebuah sistem udara sekunder mirip dengan 1199 Panigale telah diperkenalkan untuk mengoptimalkan operasi dan mengurangi variabilitas pembakaran siklik tanpa mempengaruhi emisi. Sebuah aliran dikontrol udara segar disuplai ke saluran pembuangan untuk memungkinkan oksidasi lengkap gas tidak terbakar panas, untuk secara efektif mengurangi hidrokarbon dan tingkat karbon monoksida. Testastretta 11 ° mesin DS yang melengkapi Rakasa baru 1200 keluarga adalah unik bagi sepeda, sebagai struktur yang direkayasa menjadi elemen struktural dari frame, apalagi, asupan udara dan knalpot telah disetel untuk memberikan peningkatan torsi pada low- menengah rpm (saluran, intake manifold, throttle tubuh dan pipa memiliki diameter yang lebih kecil untuk memberikan karakter torquey yang luar biasa). 1200 cc Testatstretta 11 ° mesin DS tersedia dalam dua varian daya yang berbeda : yang Rakasa 1200 memberikan 100,7 kW (135 CV) dari power@8.750 rpm dan 118 Nm (12,0 kgm) dari torque@7.250 rpm, sedangkan rakasa 1200 S memiliki pemetaan RBW berdedikasi memungkinkan 108,2 kW (145 hp) @ 8.750 kekuasaan rpm dan 124,5 Nm (£ 91,8 - ft) dari torsi 7.250 rpm @.
    Ducati manfaatkan EICMA Milan, Italia, sebagai landas pacu untuk melepas Monster 1200 generasi terbaru (model 2014). Sepeda motor yang dijuluki Monster jalanan paling ganas itu bereinkarnasi menjadi ”makhluk” yang lebih maskulin dengan bekal baru, selain mesin baru, rangkanya juga berubah drastis.

    Pada versi lama mengandalkan jantung berpendingin udara, generasi baru Testastretta 11° seperti Multistrada dan Diavel yang sudah memakai radiator. Dikllaim, tenaganya 135 PS @8.750 rpm torsi 116 Nm @7.250 rpm. Sementara tipe paling ganas, 1200S bertenaga 145 PS @8.750 dan torsi 124 Nm @7.250 rpm.

    Produsen yang bermarkas di Bologna itu juga mengganti rangka lama. Tetap teralis, tetapi hanya bagian depan yang tersambung pada komstir. Kemudian, disambungkan dengan mesin yang juga menjadi bagian dari penyangga sepeda motor. Otomatis, rangka belakang dan lengan ayun menempel ke mesin.

    Ducati Monster 1200 Model 2014 (Foto 2). Majalah Otomotif Online
    Ducati Monster 1200 Model 2014 (Foto 2).
    Ducati mengawinkan rem berspesifikasi tinggi dengan suspensi, lengan ayun dan roda ringan dan ergonomika terbaik. Disediakan pula kontrol traksi dengan 8 tingkat setelan, ABS dan Ride-by-Wire tiga tingkat.

    Penampilan, masih mempertahankan tradisi, lampu bulat dengan posisi lebih rendah dari tangki. Tangki bensin lebih besar sehingga terkesan berotot dengan kapasitas 17,5 liter. Panel indikator baru mengadopsi sistem digital

    Tubuh dan rangka Ducati Monster 1200 diberi kelir merah dengan pelek hitam. Sementara Monster 1200S tampil dengan warna bodi dan rangka merah plus roda hitam mengkilap (glossy black). Harganya 13.495 dolkar AS atau Rp 150-an juta.