Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Which States Require Truck Camper Registration?

With no running gear, the truck camper is unique among recreational vehicles. The truck camper is more compact, more maneuverable, more versatile, can be taken far off the beaten path, is cheaper to maintain, and in most states doesn't require annual registration and title fees. Certainly, these are all big benefits of truck camper ownership, but the latter is especially important as it can save you big bucks. Indeed, iI you've ever registered a motorhome or know someone who has, you know that that process can be a pain in the pocketbook and can cost well in excess of $1,000!

Why 15 states require truck campers to be registered isn't a big mystery. It comes down to one thing--money. Some cash-strapped states will look for any way to generate income. It's unfortunate. It makes sense to register motorhomes, fifth-wheels, and travel trailers because they have axles, wheels, and tires, but not the truck camper. It has none of those things. Heck, the truck camper doesn't even have a vehicle identification number (VIN) like the others. Because of this, the truck camper really should be considered cargo. Fortunately, 35 states agree with this line of thinking.

So which states require truck campers to be registered? Which states require a title? Rather than spending hours researching your state's motor vehicle department website you can look right here. You may need to do additional research on your state's laws, but at least you'll be able to see at a glance what your state does or doesn't require. If you see something here that is incorrect or if your state has made a change, please let me know so I can keep this listing up to date. Thanks.

I. List of States that Require Truck Camper Registration

On the White Rim Trail, Canyonlands, UT (Laurie Heimbigner)
  1. Idaho
  2. Illinois
  3. Indiana
  4. Iowa
  5. Kentucky
  6. Mississippi
  7. Missouri
  8. Montana
  9. North Carolina
  10. Oregon
  11. Rhode Island
  12. South Carolina
  13. Tennessee
  14. Utah
  15. Washington

II. List of States that Require Truck Camper Titles

A Lance 915 at Custer State Park, SD (Jim Caruthers)
  1. Idaho
  2. Illinois
  3. Indiana
  4. Kentucky
  5. Michigan
  6. Mississippi
  7. Montana
  8. Nevada
  9. North Carolina
  10. Ohio
  11. Oregon
  12. South Carolina
  13. Tennessee
  14. Washington

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